Vestas | Latest News & Updates - Jan 23, 2025 Release

Vestas will deliver wind turbines for Ukraine's largest wind energy project as of January 22, 2025...

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Vestas is a global leader in the renewable energy industry, specializing in sustainable energy solutions through the design, manufacture, installation, and servicing of wind turbines. With over 154 GW of wind turbines installed in 87 countries, Vestas is the largest wind turbine manufacturer and service provider in the world, employing more than 29,000 people dedicated to advancing renewable energy.

Vestas - Latest News and Updates

  • Vestas will deliver wind turbines for Ukraine's largest wind energy project as of January 22, 2025.
  • Vestas, in collaboration with Danmarks Eksport- og Investeringsfond, will supply 83 wind turbines for Ukraine's largest wind energy project, Tyligulska, increasing its capacity to 500 MW.
  • Vestas has been recognized as the most sustainable energy solutions company in the Corporate Knights index for 2025.
  • Vestas President & CEO Henrik Andersen participated in a press conference on Ukraine's energy security at Davos with Danish Minister Morten Bodskov and other leaders.
  • Arno Buys has left Vestas as an Installation Site Manager in South Africa to join Envision Energy as an Installation Site Manager.
  • Claudiu Gabriel Dutu has joined Vestas as a Site Manager in Romania, previously holding a position at another company.

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