URETEK | Latest News & Updates - Dec 23, 2024 Release
URETEK has introduced 'Aristokrātiska grunts stabilizācija' and addressed 'tirdzniecības centra betona grīdas nosēšanās' in their services...
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🌎 uretek.lvURETEK is a group of specialist ground engineering contractors with 50 years of experience, providing rapid and long-lasting solutions to issues related to subsiding and settling foundations, slabs, and infrastructure. The company focuses on improving and strengthening soils and infilling using expanding geopolymers, and operates in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
URETEK - Latest News and Updates
- URETEK has introduced 'Aristokrātiska grunts stabilizācija' and addressed 'tirdzniecības centra betona grīdas nosēšanās' in their services.
- URETEK has added services for stabilizing port quays and addressing subsidence in shopping center floors.
- URETEK has undergone a successful leadership transition and is implementing a new business strategy to meet the demand for environmentally friendly construction solutions in Denmark.
- Tõnis Vesiaid, Project Manager at URETEK Baltic, has been recognized for his significant contribution to the Mere pst railway stabilization project in Estonia.
- URETEK Baltic is collaborating with Lean Digital to improve process management and digitalization strategies.
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