TrueLayer News | Sep 07, 2024

TrueLayer integrated with flatfair Deposits to streamline tenancy deposits for over 700 letting agents and their customers...

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TrueLayer is Europe’s leading open banking payments network, providing a platform for smarter, faster, and safer online payments by combining real-time bank payments with financial and identity data. They cater to businesses of all sizes, enabling them to onboard users, accept payments, and make payouts at scale across the UK and Europe.

Updates as of Sep 07, 2024

  • TrueLayer integrated with flatfair Deposits to streamline tenancy deposits for over 700 letting agents and their customers.
  • Jess Larsen, VP of People at TrueLayer, is seeking efficient variable reward tools that integrate with HiBob.
  • ClearBank, which serves TrueLayer, appointed Valerie Romanovskaya as its new UK Chief Financial Officer.
  • Within a month of launching TrueLayer's Pay by bank on CopyBet’s platform, close to 1 in 3 users opted to use it, including 92% of new players, saving CopyBet up to 500% on operational costs.
  • TrueLayer will co-host a retail community breakfast with Shiptheory on 12 September in London.
  • TrueLayer will attend the SBC Summit in Lisbon on August 31 to discuss payments and tech innovation with iGaming professionals.
  • TrueLayer is hosting an event on September 12 at their London HQ to discuss last-mile digital shopping experiences with Shiptheory and online retailers.
  • TrueLayer and Shiptheory are hosting a breakfast event to discuss the future of payments on August 29.
  • TrueLayer powered the 'Pay by bank' feature for Topps Tiles, allowing customers to complete payments through their mobile banking app.
  • TrueLayer celebrated its 8th anniversary and opened new offices in London and Milan.

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