Teacher Tapp News | Sep 18, 2024

Teacher Tapp plans to expand beyond England, Netherlands, and Flanders...

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Teacher Tapp

🌎 teachertapp.co.uk

Teacher Tapp is an informative app for teachers across the UK that asks teachers three questions each day at 3:30pm, provides insights into the education sector, and aims to reveal a picture of what affects teacher's morale, effectiveness, and likelihood to stay in the classroom. It is designed with busy teachers in mind and aims to make teachers more aware of their working conditions.

Updates as of Sep 18, 2024

  • Teacher Tapp plans to expand beyond England, Netherlands, and Flanders.
  • Teacher Tapp is leading a project commissioned by the EEF to use their app for identifying strategies to attract teachers to schools with high socioeconomic disadvantage.
  • Teacher Tapp is collaborating with the Education Endowment Foundation on a project addressing the teacher recruitment and retention crisis.
  • Teacher Tapp introduced customized questions for different education levels in the Netherlands on September 4.
  • Teacher Tapp has updated the email addresses for Harry Fletcher-Wood and Katie Jones to [email protected] and [email protected], respectively, and introduced Richard Sydenham as the Interim Head of School & Trust Partnerships.
  • Laura McInerney, Co-Founder of Teacher Tapp, will host Bett UK 2025.
  • Teacher Tapp is inviting non-members to join their conference as guests to experience the event and get merchandise (September 17).
  • Teacher Tapp released a report on teachers' media habits, announced by CEO Laura McInerney on September 17.
  • Teacher Tapp is leading a project using its app to identify strategies to attract teachers to schools with high socioeconomic disadvantage.
  • Teacher Tapp is offering a chance to win a new Samsung or Apple tablet for users who answer 5 days in a row on the app.

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