Sunly News | Sep 11, 2024

Sunly completed a merger and is now an independent energy producer supplying renewable energy to the Baltics and Poland...

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Sunly is an independent energy producer based in Tallinn, Estonia, specializing in the development of renewable energy projects, particularly wind and solar parks, in the Baltics and Poland. The company also invests in renewable energy and electrification startups, providing them with capital, expertise, and networks. Established by the 4Energia team, Sunly aims to engage local communities in its projects and has a strong focus on innovation and sustainability.

Updates as of Sep 11, 2024

  • Sunly completed a merger and is now an independent energy producer supplying renewable energy to the Baltics and Poland.
  • Sunly completed the acquisition of Alseva Group, making it the 100% owner and expanding its renewable energy projects to 16.2 GW.
  • Sunly signed a €11 million bridge financing agreement with Eiffel Investment Group to fund its Polish solar energy portfolio.
  • Sunly signed a long-term power purchase agreement with Alexela to sell the entire electricity output of three new solar parks in Estonia.
  • Elisa has started a long-term partnership with Sunly City to build solar parks at 10 mobile masts across Estonia to increase green energy consumption.
  • Sunly made its first direct investment outside Estonia in the Polish electrification startup Amperio, which operates in Poland and Spain.
  • Sunly has invested in the UK startup Switch to develop software that simplifies electric vehicle charging.
  • Sunly's Energiasalv project has received the necessary permits and is ready for construction, with the aim to start building in the summer of 2024.
  • Sunly has partnered with EES-Ringlus to improve solar panel waste management and promote circular economy principles in Estonia.
  • Sunly signed a major cooperation agreement with Telia Eesti to build around 100 solar power plants to supply renewable energy to Telia's mobile masts.
  • Sunly received a €30 million equity investment from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to expand its renewable energy capacity in the Baltic States and Poland.
  • Sunly has partnered with Eestimaa Looduse Fond to build Estonia's first biodiversity-supporting solar park, with construction starting this year.
  • Sunly, along with new investors, raised an additional 11 million euros for the construction of Estonia's first large-scale water reservoir project in Paldiski.
  • Sunly has completed Estonia's first MW-scale hybrid solar park with an integrated battery energy storage system.
  • Sunly is building six solar parks in Latvia with a total capacity of 52 MW, financed by Swedbank Latvia with €22 million.
  • Sunly and Metsagrupp are constructing the largest solar park in the Baltics, a 244 MW facility in Risti, expected to be completed by early 2026.
  • Sunly led the investment round for Themo, securing €1.3 million to strengthen its market position and invest in smart energy solutions.
  • Sunly won the Latvian state forest auction and will develop a 138 MW wind farm on approximately 6500 hectares in the Skrunda region.
  • Sunly plans to build one of its first hybrid energy parks in Lääne-Nigula, utilizing the latest solar panel technology.
  • Sunly published its 2023 annual report, featuring an interview with co-founder and current chairman Martin Kruus.
  • Sunly now guarantees up to 60% of a company's annual electricity consumption at a fixed price using local solar and wind energy.
  • Sunly's startup Rexplorer has recently updated its search engine, surveyed solar energy users and municipalities, hired talented interns, and launched a new website.
  • Sunly raised funds on August 27, 2024.
  • Sunly is listed among the top 10 funding deals of this week.
  • Sunly raised €300 million in debt financing to accelerate the construction of 1.3 GW of solar, wind, storage, and hybrid parks across the Baltics and Poland.
  • Sunly continued to support UP Catalyst in their latest €2.36 million seed extension round, increasing the total seed funding to €6.36 million.
  • Sunly signed a goodwill cooperation agreement with the City of Pärnu and Enefit Green to build the Põlendmaa wind farm, aiming to improve local life and support Estonia's renewable energy goals.
  • Sunly's financial manager Lili Kirikal uses the Gridio app to charge her Tesla at the office, optimizing for the cheapest and cleanest electricity.
  • Sunly's CEO Priit Lepasepp emphasized at the Eesti Päevalehe energy conference that Estonia needs a climate and energy minister to expedite renewable energy adoption and create a supportive financial and legal framework.
  • Sunly is relocating its headquarters to a new 2000 m2 office in Telliskivi Quarter, which will feature a modern and energy-efficient building with a rooftop solar park.
  • Sunly CFO Lili Kirikal was awarded the title of the most influential financial director at the Pärnu Financial Conference in Estonia.
  • Sunly is the gold sponsor of Cleantech Forum Europe 2023, taking place from November 14-16 in Tallinn.
  • Sunly successfully pre-qualified with Elering and connected Estonia's first large battery storage to the mFRR manual frequency restoration reserve, a prerequisite for joining the European MARI system.
  • Sunly held a community day at their new office in Telliskivi, emphasizing the importance of local resident involvement in successful energy policy.
  • Sunly's pilot project will test their developed software in a real-life environment using real electricity consumption data.

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