Scale AI News | Sep 05, 2024

Scale AI added Mistral Large 2, GPT-4o, and Gemini 1.5 Pro to the SEAL LLM Leaderboards.

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Scale AI is a software development company based in San Francisco, California, focused on accelerating the development of AI applications by providing high-quality training data. Their platform, the Scale Data Engine, is designed to collect, curate, and annotate data for various AI applications, including self-driving cars, robotics, and generative models. Trusted by major technology companies and government agencies, Scale AI aims to enhance the performance of AI models through superior data quality.

  • Scale AI added Mistral Large 2, GPT-4o, and Gemini 1.5 Pro to the SEAL LLM Leaderboards.
  • Ramesh Nuti has joined Scale AI as an Angel Investor in the United States, previously holding the same position at another firm.
  • Ofer Shoshan joined Scale AI as an Investor in Israel, previously holding the same position elsewhere.
  • Scale AI is currently hiring for the position of Engagement Manager, International Public Sector in the Middle East.
  • U.S. billionaire Alexandr Wang, cofounder of Scale AI, invested in Japanese startup Sakana AI's $100 million Series A round.
  • Scale AI is developing a new Math benchmark to better differentiate between models, according to CEO Alexandr Wang.
  • Scale AI will present at Fort Mason in San Francisco on September 4.
  • Scale AI announced 6 vacant jobs in Bahrain across various specializations.
  • Alex Wang, founder of Scale AI, turned his decision to drop out of MIT into a billion-dollar empire with his innovative approach in the AI industry.
  • Michael Kratsios, Managing Director of Scale AI, will speak at the Oxford Generative AI Summit on August 30, 2024.
  • Scale AI's safety research team published a paper revealing that current LLM defenses are not robust against human red teamers attacking over multiple turns.
  • New research from Scale AI's SEAL team shows human red teamers achieve over 70% success rates against LLM defenses that stump automated attacks.
  • Riley Goodside contributed to a paper with a team from Scale AI and UC Berkeley.
  • Scale AI's SEAL lab developed MHJ, with notable contributions from Nat Lim, Ziwen H, Ian Steneker, Willow Primack, Hugh Zhang, Zifan Wang, and Cri Menghini.
  • John Brennan left Scale AI as General Manager, Public Sector in the Washington DC-Baltimore Area to join C3 AI as General Manager, Defense and Intelligence.
  • Scale AI's CEO, Alexandr Wang, participated in a presentation with SpaceX and Elon Musk.
  • Scale AI CEO Alexandr Wang will be a guest speaker at an upcoming course.
  • Scale AI signed major leases in San Francisco despite a record office vacancy rate of 34.9%.

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