Polygraf News | Aug 27, 2024

Polygraf offers a free Chrome extension for real-time AI detection and analysis of online content.

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Polygraf AI is a data governance and research company based in Austin, TX, specializing in AI and data integrity solutions. It provides organizations with tools to monitor and mitigate risks associated with AI usage, including data breaches and the integrity of AI-generated content. The company is recognized for its innovative approach to AI governance, having received accolades such as the Top AI Governance Product in the 2024 Product Awards.

  • Polygraf offers a free Chrome extension for real-time AI detection and analysis of online content.
  • Polygraf's AI Content Detector has been nominated for the 2024 Product Awards in the Human-centric Design category.
  • Yagub Rahimov from Polygraf AI is seeking 20 college students using AI for their studies to test a new research tool before its public release.
  • Polygraf CEO Yagub Rahimov discussed the dual nature of AI and its dependence on human choices in Talk2Rami's latest podcast.
  • Polygraf will be hosting an exclusive industry event on AI and defense on Aug 16th at the Modernist Club in San Francisco.

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