ONEKEY News | Sep 16, 2024

ONEKEY and ESCRYPT CycurRISK have launched a joint solution for effective vulnerability management in software-defined vehicles...

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ONEKEY is the leading European platform for automated security & compliance analysis for industrial, manufacturing, and IoT devices. Using 'Digital Twins' and 'Software Bill of Materials (SBOM', the platform autonomously analyzes firmware for security vulnerabilities and compliance violations without source code, device, or network access. It is used by global leading companies.

Updates as of Sep 16, 2024

  • ONEKEY and ESCRYPT CycurRISK have launched a joint solution for effective vulnerability management in software-defined vehicles.
  • ONEKEY is a partner supporting the AI + Web3 application side event 'Back To The Streets' on September 18th at TOKEN2049 Singapore.
  • Jan Wendenburg, CEO of ONEKEY GmbH, will discuss EU regulations on product cybersecurity and compliance on November 13, 2024.
  • ONEKEY's CEO Jan C. Wendenburg will represent the company at the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) Days 2024.
  • ONEKEY will showcase its automated vulnerability management and TARA solution with ETAS CycurRISK at the Secure Our Streets conference on September 19, 2024.
  • ONEKEY will participate in the Secure Our Streets (SOS) Conference 2024 on September 3-4.
  • ONEKEY will showcase its automotive product cybersecurity and compliance platform at the Secure Our Streets conference on September 19, 2024.
  • ONEKEY saved Swisscom over $400K by automating their product cybersecurity and compliance lifecycle.

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