Nixtla News | Sep 19, 2024

Nixtla will soon submit a new version of their nixtlar package to CRAN, with additional features available on GitHub...

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Nixtla is a startup that builds forecasting and time series software for data scientists and developers. They democratize access to state-of-the-art predictive insights, enabling businesses of all sizes and industries to reduce uncertainty and make data-driven decisions.

Updates as of Sep 19, 2024

  • Nixtla will soon submit a new version of their nixtlar package to CRAN, with additional features available on GitHub.
  • Nixtla deployed a forecasting app using fasthtml on their demo server.
  • On September 19, a live coding session showcased the integration of Nixtla's timegpt into a forecasting app in just 15 minutes.
  • Nixtla is now part of the foundation model landscape.
  • Azul Garza shared a forecasting app using fasthtml deployed on Nixtla's platform.
  • Nixtla has introduced a time series foundation model called TimeGEN-1.
  • Nixtla launched v2 of their TimeGPT API with significant speed improvements, scalability to forecast 1 billion time series in 6 hours, and enhanced model explainability using SHAP values.
  • Nixtla introduced the aRrr package for using the TimeGPT API in R.
  • Nixtla is pitching at Microsoft, with CTO & Co-Founder Azul Garza sharing the news.
  • Cristian Challu from Nixtla co-authored a paper on implicit reasoning in deep time series forecasting published on arXiv.
  • Azul Garza Ramírez, CTO & Co-Founder at Nixtla, will live code a forecasting app on Twitch this Friday.
  • Nixtla Labs will release NeuralForecat, a scalable and user-friendly neural forecasting algorithm, in 2024.

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