Midjourney | Latest News & Updates - Jan 24, 2025 Release

Midjourney has released an update allowing users to combine multiple moodboard codes with sref codes for more creative AI art designs...

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🌎 midjourney.com

Midjourney is an independent research lab based in San Francisco, CA, that explores new mediums of thought and aims to expand the imaginative powers of the human species. It is known for its generative artificial intelligence program that creates images from natural language descriptions, often referred to as prompts. The platform is popular among graphic designers, artists, and anyone interested in AI-generated art.

Midjourney - Latest News and Updates

  • Midjourney has released an update allowing users to combine multiple moodboard codes with sref codes for more creative AI art designs.
  • Midjourney has introduced new moodboard features that allow users to combine multiple moodboard codes and mix them with sref codes for enhanced creativity.
  • Midjourney is hosting a collaborative event called the Midjourney Music Video Jam to create a music video together from scratch.
  • Midjourney's AI image generator struggles with accurately depicting specific geographic locations, often merging countries incorrectly.

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