Maxim Indonesia News | Sep 05, 2024

Maxim Indonesia launched a rating feature to prioritize high-rated drivers for orders, aiming to motivate and discipline them, according to Director Development Dirhamsyah...

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Company name: Maxim Indonesia

Company website:

Company overview: Maxim Indonesia is an online transportation service applicator under PT Teknologi Perdana Indonesia, providing various services to meet daily needs. Starting in Indonesia in 2018, Maxim is now available in over 200 cities in Indonesia and expanding globally. Services include transportation, delivery, cargo, spa, cleaning, food, and goods delivery.

Latest Updates

  • Maxim Indonesia launched a rating feature to prioritize high-rated drivers for orders, aiming to motivate and discipline them, according to Director Development Dirhamsyah.
  • Maxim Indonesia partnered with Yayasan Pengemudi Selamat Sejahtera Indonesia (YPSSI) to provide financial aid to five victims of an online taxi accident involving a train.
  • Maxim Indonesia has complied with the Ministry of Transportation's Directorate General of Land Transportation Regulation No. SK 3244/AJ.801/DJPD/2017, adjusting online transport service rates during peak hours and adverse weather conditions.
  • Maxim Indonesia gave free trips to top users in Bandung to celebrate National Consumer Day, according to Harry Purwanto, Head of Subdivision Maxim Bandung.
  • Maxim Indonesia has launched its ride-hailing service in Tiworo Tengah, Muna Barat.
  • Maxim Indonesia has expanded its services to Curup, offering affordable transportation and inviting locals to join as driver partners.
  • Maxim Indonesia opened a new representative office in Kongbeng, East Kalimantan.
  • Maxim Indonesia offered a Rp100,000 balance to residents of Sumbar for using Maxim Bike in Padang.

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