Lorman | Latest News & Updates - Dec 05, 2024 Release
Lorman has updated its course offerings, replacing 'Essential Techniques for Productive Meetings' with 'How to Deal With a Co-Worker Who Acts Like Your Boss' and adding a new live webinar titled 'Where Did the Time Go? 5 Ways to Accomplish a Lot More in a Day.'..
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Lorman Education Services
🌎 lorman.comLorman is a leading provider of online professional development, corporate training, and continuing education credits covering a broad range of business and technical skills. Since 1987, Lorman has helped professionals and organizations meet licensing requirements, upskill, and remain compliant with laws and regulations. They offer over 13,000 on-demand courses and resources, along with numerous live virtual training sessions each month, serving over 2 million learners across various professions.
Lorman Education Services - Latest News and Updates
- Lorman has updated its course offerings, replacing 'Essential Techniques for Productive Meetings' with 'How to Deal With a Co-Worker Who Acts Like Your Boss' and adding a new live webinar titled 'Where Did the Time Go? 5 Ways to Accomplish a Lot More in a Day.'
- Lorman updated its course offerings by replacing a 'Group Internet Based - Accounting (governmental)' course with a 'Group Internet Based - Auditing (governmental)' course.
- Lorman has reduced the number of live webinars from 3725 to 3691 and updated several webinar topics and presenters.
- Lorman Education Services reports that 74% of workers are willing to learn new skills or re-train to stay employable.
- Stradley Ronon partner Eric Hurwitz and counsel Adam Kaplan will host a Lorman webinar on avoiding FDCPA violations on November 21.
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