Linear News | Sep 20, 2024

Linear has launched Linear Mobile, a fully native iOS and Android app designed for on-the-go workflows...

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Linear is a purpose-built tool designed for planning and building products, focusing on streamlining issues, projects, and roadmaps. Founded in 2019 and headquartered in San Francisco, California, Linear aims to empower product teams with a combination of UI elegance and high performance. The company operates fully remote and has gained popularity among high-impact companies for its project management and issue tracking capabilities.

Updates as of Sep 20, 2024

  • Linear has launched Linear Mobile, a fully native iOS and Android app designed for on-the-go workflows.
  • Linear launched its Android app.
  • Cristina, an early Stripe employee, is now Linear's COO.
  • Linear's new native app on Android is ~70% smaller in download size compared to iOS (~10 MB vs ~34 MB).
  • Linear launched a new product that has been a game changer for months, now widely available.
  • Linear now allows users to report bugs by taking a screenshot and sending it directly through their mobile apps.
  • DryMerge now allows users to connect Linear with dozens of popular apps and create automations using AI in plain English.
  • Linear signed a $10B+ decacorn startup as a customer, reporting a 46.52% increase in daily tool usage.
  • Jori Lallo from Linear announced plans to deprecate the current TestFlight version and advised users to switch to the App Store version.
  • Cristina Cordova, COO of Linear, will speak at Product Lounge on September 17-18 about maximizing internal resources and building high-quality product features quickly.

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