Lemonade Stand | Latest News & Updates - Jan 25, 2025 Release

In 2024, Lemonade Stand has invested in four innovative startups—Soldera, Enzum, KrattWorks, and Lendurai—spanning green energy finance, AI-powered network optimization, and advanced drone technologies..

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Lemonade Stand

🌎 lemonadestand.ee

Lemonade Stand is a venture capital firm based in Tallinn, Estonia, that specializes in early stage investments in B2B technology startups, primarily in the Baltics and Eastern Europe. The firm invests between €50-300K into strong teams, technology, or traction, and is open to pre-revenue and pre-product phases as well as later rounds.

Lemonade Stand - Latest News and Updates

  • In 2024, Lemonade Stand has invested in four innovative startups—Soldera, Enzum, KrattWorks, and Lendurai—spanning green energy finance, AI-powered network optimization, and advanced drone technologies
  • In 2024, Lemonade Stand made seven new investments across energy, defense, compliance, and AI automation, nine follow-on investments, saw four bankruptcies, and achieved its first returns from diversified fund investments.
  • Siim Teller, affiliated with Lemonade Stand, secured second place in the Investor of the Year 2024 award, focusing on investments in pre-revenue startups and sustainable energy.

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