Kapitel | Latest News & Updates - Dec 23, 2024 Release
Kapitel's management board member Indrek Moorats is no longer listed, indicating a change in the board composition...
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🌎 kapitel.eeKapitel, formerly known as ELL Real Estate until November 2017, is one of the largest real estate companies in the Baltics, specializing in the development, investment, and management of commercial real estate. With a portfolio exceeding 337,000 m², Kapitel focuses on long-term investments in high-quality properties such as shopping centers, office buildings, hotels, and logistics centers.
Kapitel - Latest News and Updates
- Kapitel's management board member Indrek Moorats is no longer listed, indicating a change in the board composition.
- Kapitel will compensate for the overpriced tablets purchased in the last legislature, as reported by Esteban Bautista, president of the Political Coordination Board of the State Congress.
- Kapitel opened the Arteri kvartal in Tallinn, featuring 44,000 m² of rental space and housing Swedbank's head office, marking its largest development with an investment over 160 million euros.
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