Ironclad News | Sep 18, 2024

Ironclad is currently hiring for the position of Staff Product Manager, Ironclad Signature in the United States...

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Ironclad is the #1 contract lifecycle management platform for innovative companies, powering billions of contracts every year. It enables legal and business teams to manage every aspect of the contracting process, from creation to execution and storage. The platform is designed to handle all types of contracts and is backed by leading investors. Ironclad is recognized as a leader in the industry, with notable clients including L'Oréal, Salesforce, and OpenAI.

Updates as of Sep 18, 2024

  • Ironclad is currently hiring for the position of Staff Product Manager, Ironclad Signature in the United States.
  • Over 75% of Ironclad's customers are using their AI tools, as discussed by CEO Jason Boehmig and A16Z partner Seema Amble at SaaStr.
  • Ironclad will showcase its AI-powered contracting platform at Legal Geek in London on October 16-17.
  • Ironclad received the 'Market Leader' award in the Fall 2024 Contract Lifecycle Management Software Customer Success Report.
  • Ironclad CEO Jason Boehmig and A16Z Partner Seema Amble discussed top GenAI strategies at SaaStr on September 14.
  • Ironclad's CLM system is being used for contract review, management, and automation at Upgrade.
  • Ironclad will sponsor the F Suite National Summit at the New York Stock Exchange, where VP of FP&A Sai Harish Chava will discuss executive communication with boards.
  • Ironclad is now one of Fortune’s Best Places to Work in Technology.

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