Hetzner | Latest News & Updates - Feb 24, 2025 Release

Marcus Wichelmann from Hetzner Cloud signed off on a patch for XDP metadata support in the tun driver...

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🌎 hetzner.com

Hetzner is a professional web hosting provider and experienced data center operator based in Gunzenhausen, Germany. Since 1997, the company has been offering high-performance hosting products and infrastructure for both private and business clients. Known for its stable technology, attractive pricing, and flexible support, Hetzner has established a strong market presence both nationally and internationally.

Hetzner - Latest News and Updates

  • Marcus Wichelmann from Hetzner Cloud signed off on a patch for XDP metadata support in the tun driver.
  • Hetzner achieves an impressive Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) of up to 1.10 by using innovative building design and modern technology to optimize energy efficiency.
  • Hetzner is used as the infrastructure provider for third-party alternatives like Buildjet, Blacksmith, Ubicloud, and Cirrus in CPU performance benchmarks.
  • Hetzner faces significant reliability issues with their AX server models due to faulty motherboards, requiring replacements over the next 12 months.
  • Hetzner is actively recruiting for various job positions as highlighted in their February 19 LinkedIn post.
  • Hetzner visited Oettingen High School and the MINT Days at Wassertrüdingen Secondary School last week to engage students with hands-on tech experiences.

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