Formaloo News | Sep 17, 2024

Formaloo introduced a B2B Lead Qualification Form to help sales teams filter and prioritize leads, customize fields, and integrate with CRMs...

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Formaloo is a collaboration platform that helps non-technical teams build customer engagement software without a single line of code, automate their processes, and engage their audience. It provides a no-code database infrastructure to quickly assemble and design powerful applications and internal tools. Formaloo is built for business users, offering simplicity and ease of use without requiring coding skills or data experts.

Updates as of Sep 17, 2024

  • Formaloo introduced a B2B Lead Qualification Form to help sales teams filter and prioritize leads, customize fields, and integrate with CRMs.
  • Noosh Baratpour, Co-founder and CMO at Formaloo, announced that the company is shifting to a 'value loop' freemium model to enhance user experience and drive paid conversions.
  • Formaloo launched an Area Calculator template that uses smart formulas and answer piping for instant area calculations of multiple shapes.
  • Formaloo updated its templates to emphasize AI-powered features and high-converting forms for better client engagement and satisfaction.
  • Formaloo's subdomain was flagged as a phishing site, but the company clarified it is used internally and not by users.
  • Formaloo is exploring sales automation tools like, Clay,, lemlist, ZoomInfo, and Outreach.
  • Noosh Baratpour, Co-Founder and CMO of Formaloo, discussed the importance of flexibility and community engagement in entrepreneurship on the 'Women in B2B Marketing' podcast.

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