Formaloo News | Sep 10, 2024

Formaloo has added new templates for legal forms, one-question-at-a-time surveys, project uploads, and dynamic online bulletin boards...

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Formaloo is a collaboration platform that helps non-technical teams build customer engagement software without a single line of code, automate their processes, and engage their audience. It provides a no-code database infrastructure to quickly assemble and design powerful applications and internal tools. Formaloo is built for business users, offering simplicity and ease of use without requiring coding skills or data experts.

Updates as of Sep 10, 2024

  • Formaloo has added new templates for legal forms, one-question-at-a-time surveys, project uploads, and dynamic online bulletin boards.
  • Formaloo added new templates including Legal, One question at a time, GO-TO-MARKET STRATEGY TEMPLATE, RETURN ON INVESTMENT CALCULATOR, and PROJECT STATUS REPORT while removing several others.
  • Formaloo has added new templates for legal forms, one-question-at-a-time surveys, and various medical and wellness applications including appointment scheduling, patient progress tracking, and BMI calculation.
  • Formaloo has added new templates including Legal, One question at a time, Event RSVP Form, Online Order Form with Payment, Donation Forms, Event Partnership Application Tracking, Post Event Feedback Survey, Eventbrite Post-Event Feedback Survey, and Personality Quiz.
  • Formaloo launched a 'Legal case tracking and billing app' to streamline law firm operations with features like case tracking, accurate billing, and easy navigation.
  • Formaloo introduced Linked Rows to connect data across different tables, enhancing workflow efficiency and data organization.
  • Formaloo launched a customizable course app template for educators, trainers, and content creators.
  • Formaloo has rebranded its Agency OS as 'Your Perfect Agency Dashboard' and now emphasizes white-label and branding capabilities.
  • Formaloo has added 'Sales' to the list of sectors it serves.
  • Formaloo has added 'Agencies' to the list of sectors it serves.
  • Formaloo introduced an online English placement test template to quickly assess language proficiency.
  • Formaloo introduced connected forms for employee training checklists to enhance onboarding and development.

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