Collibra News | Sep 12, 2024

Collibra added a new in-person event, the Executive Leadership Dinner with Collibra, Google, and C2C, scheduled for Sep 12 in London...

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Collibra is a market leader in data intelligence, providing organizations with solutions for AI Governance, Data Catalog, Data Governance, Data Quality & Observability, and more. Headquartered in New York City and Brussels, Collibra works with 700+ customers worldwide and partners with innovative companies.

Updates as of Sep 12, 2024

  • Collibra added a new in-person event, the Executive Leadership Dinner with Collibra, Google, and C2C, scheduled for Sep 12 in London.
  • Collibra now emphasizes enterprise-wide data quality with automated rule creation and adaptive rules.
  • David TALAGA has joined Collibra as Product Marketing Director in France, previously serving as Product Marketing Director at Dataiku.
  • Collibra is sponsoring a happy hour at Technology Association of Georgia's Datapalooza on September 12.
  • DQLabs integrates with Collibra to keep data structures current in their active metadata module.
  • Collibra's Customer Success teams have introduced Business Value Workshops to help organizations quantify the value of data intelligence.
  • Collibra's Chief Data Citizen, Stijn Christiaens, will discuss data governance and scalable GenAI with Vodafone's Fede Frumento at Big Data LDN on September 6.

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