Clerk News | Sep 19, 2024

Clerk now integrates with WhatsApp Business through a connection developed by WA Smart Business to enhance customer personalization on the platform...

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🌎 provides e-commerce personalisation software that helps online stores acquire, convert, and retain customers through AI-driven technology. The platform analyzes visitor behavior and trends to deliver relevant search results, product recommendations, and marketing segmentation, all without the use of cookies. With a focus on improving key performance indicators for e-tailers, is recognized as a leading personalization provider globally.

Updates as of Sep 19, 2024

  • Clerk now integrates with WhatsApp Business through a connection developed by WA Smart Business to enhance customer personalization on the platform.
  • Mikkel Novod has resigned as CEO of after 4 years.
  • Clerk added support for ShopifyQL, enabling automated Shopify reporting and AI monitoring.
  • Clerk reduced the number of displayed items from 171 to 54.
  • Dudubags increased their average order value by 17% and basket size by 13% using Clerk's recommendations and search capabilities.

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