Autenti News | Sep 25, 2024

Lukasz Zakrzewski announced that Autenti is introducing trust services like electronic signatures, qualified signatures, remote identity verification, and e-Delivery...

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Autenti is an all-in-one platform that enables organizations to accelerate their business by allowing them to send and sign documents online with various forms of electronic signatures. The platform is accessible on any device with internet access, providing a quick, secure, and legal way to manage document signing and authorization. Autenti supports over 7,500 companies across various industries, offering solutions that comply with European regulations such as GDPR and eIDAS.

Updates as of Sep 25, 2024

  • Lukasz Zakrzewski announced that Autenti is introducing trust services like electronic signatures, qualified signatures, remote identity verification, and e-Delivery.
  • Tomek Plata announced his new role at Autenti.
  • Autenti has introduced a new eDelivery service and a revolutionary eLocker solution for secure document delivery.
  • Autenti helped Fundacja Operacja Czysta Rzeka sign contracts remotely, saving nearly 9,000 sheets of paper and over 43,000 liters of water.
  • Autenti helped Lettly save money and time by eliminating the need for printing, scanning, and courier services for documents.
  • Lettly has automated its contract signing process using Autenti, saving time, reducing costs, and eliminating the need for paper.
  • Autenti's CEO Grzegorz Wójcik and Krzysztof Trojan emphasize that e-Doręczenia can streamline business processes and provide a competitive edge.
  • Autenti has introduced significant updates and enhancements with the new eIDAS 2.0 regulation.

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