AuditBoard News | Sep 18, 2024

AuditBoard is currently hiring a Digital Success Engagement Lead in the United States (Remote)...

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AuditBoard transforms how audit, risk, and compliance professionals manage today’s dynamic risk landscape with a modern, connected platform that engages the front lines, surfaces the risks that matter, and drives better strategic decision-making. Trusted by the Fortune 500, it specializes in SOX, internal controls, audit management, compliance, and risk management.

Updates as of Sep 18, 2024

  • AuditBoard is currently hiring a Digital Success Engagement Lead in the United States (Remote).
  • AuditBoard is currently seeking a Director of Product Design and User Research in the United States.
  • A 2023 report by AuditBoard found that two-thirds of organizations globally have yet to implement ESG controls, and 60% do not currently perform internal ESG audits.
  • AuditBoard released a new eBook titled 'Tracking the Untrackable: Taking a Proactive Approach to Emerging Risks' on September 11.
  • AuditBoard has been named to Fortune magazine’s list of 2024 Best Medium Workplaces.
  • AuditBoard and Deloitte launched a custom integration between AuditBoard’s connected risk platform and SAP to enhance operational efficiencies and provide a connected view of audit and SOX data.

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